Develop a Growth Mindset for Success

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At some point in our lives the goal setting question has been asked. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How often do you set goals? How often do you go back and revisit the goals you have set for yourself? and have they been accomplished? Setting goals is important with anything that you’re doing in life, and we often do not realize how important they are as we continue to move through life. In this article I will look at how to develop a growth mindset for success and how goal setting can lead to greater success and performance. I will be discussing your reason why. Just wanting to make money isn’t enough, you need to figure out your own personal reason why are you doing this? Why are you building an online business no matter the niche of choice. The importance and value of goal setting can lead to success. In this article, we will review some mindset things some goal-setting things just some stuff that will really help you develop a growth mindset to really be successful.

Let’s Dig in…

Keep Your Reason Why in Mind

Don’t get distracted, don’t put off until tomorrow what you could do today, your reason why is what’s going to keep you engaged focused and committed to making your online business work with any niche. Your reason why needs to be something beyond just material possessions it needs to be something a little bit deeper than that for a lot of us it’s family, our children, or being able to take care of our elderly parents if that’s the type of situation you’re in. Keep your reason why in mind, why you’re wanting to build a better life and why you need to get clear on what that is. Firstly, write it down on paper. Secondly, look at it every day and keep your reason why in mind and use it as your burning desire as the motivation that’s going to keep you progressing towards your goal while working for yourself and building your online business.

Goal Setting Leads to Success

Goal setting is an action plan and “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Simply put that action plan accomplished leads to success. Goal settings is a careful evaluation of your life and where you want to be later on in life. Goals can be short-term, long-term, essential, desirable big or small but at the end of the day they all share one thing, something to aim for. Everything starts with an idea and there is no shortage of ideas in this world for sure, but the issue is putting those ideas into action. Setting goals make you self-aware and knowing yourself is powerful. Setting goals gives you purpose and gives you focus prioritizing what’s most important to you. Setting goals keep you accountable and gives you confidence. Goals can test our limits, and in this world there are no limits and anything is possible. Once you’ve successfully accomplished these goals you can achieve anything if you really want to, the sky is the limit. Don’t wait for success to drop in your lap, goal setting leads to success and a fulfilling life.

Realistic SMART Goals: How to Make Your Goals Achievable

You’ve heard of SMART goals or maybe you haven’t heard of SMART goals but basically a SMART goal is a specific measurable attainable realistic and timely goal. Your goal needs to be very specific and here’s a good example: My email marketing business will generate $500.00 per month profit within 60 days by following the steps in my traffic business program. That’s a very specific goal it’s something that is measurable it’s attainable, realistic, and timely, it is very specific. A bad example of a smart goal would be: “I want to make extra money”, there’s no amount, there’s no time frame, there’s nothing you just have this nebulous desire that you want to make extra money well, sorry to say but, just wanting to make extra money is not going to be something that is attainable. Making a little extra money can mean a thousand different things to a thousand different people. You need to dial it down into something very specific and tailored to your situation. Make it measurable because things that are measured can be improved. Things that are measured do improve, if you want to change your mind set in a way and sort of presuppose that you’re going to do this, things that you measure will be improved.

How to make your goals achievable? let’s say your ultimate goal is to be a millionaire but in order to get there you need to take baby steps. Firstly, you need to set a goal let’s say maybe to make $500 a month or maybe just an extra $250 a month. $250 extra dollars a month that’s going to take care of cell phone bills, water bills, electricity, relieve some pressure off of you it’s going to give you that momentum that you’ll need to create bigger and bigger goals. I want to just toss in here that realistic SMART goals that can be changed. People do this on different sort of timeframes, and they do things on different recurring basis and if you’re someone like me, what I do is I go through every month around the first of the month and I say okay, how did last month go. Let’s do another let’s make a goal for this month and every month or every couple weeks whenever; it’s up to you what sort of time frame you want to adjust your goals to but, these things can sort of be fluid and they can evolve with time realistically, it might be $250 bucks a month but, that’s really all I need and my business will pay for itself and I need an extra $250 bucks to put in my pocket to take care of some bills to pay off some debts, to pay my car payment and that’s just an example of realistic and the realistic aspect will actually progress with time.

When I first started out my goal was, I wanted $9,000 a month if I could just make $6.500 a month I could quit my job, I could travel, I could make sure my mortgage was paid, I could make sure all my bills were paid and I would still have money left over and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. One of the most important details of a smart goal is timely, and that is you need to have a deadline. You want to have a time frame, sort of a self-imposed deadline that you can use to make your subconscious work in the background so that it’s sort of chew on what you want to happen and what time frame you want it to happen. Basically, if there’s no urgency for you to make something happen then it’s just never going to happen.

Let’s go back to the bad example goal, which is “I want to make money” there’s no time frame there and when you put a deadline on what you want to happen it helps your subconscious work on that problem in the background so that you get closer and closer and closer to that goal. You start recognizing opportunities and you start just doing things to move towards that goal, really without even thinking about it. You really want to set goals that are purposely out of reach because even if you don’t hit that goal, you’ll still be much better off than you were. For example, let’s say you’re making $0 online, you don’t have a business set up yet, you have no income coming in from an online business so right now you’re at zero and let’s say your ultimate goal is $10,000 a month and you want that to happen within 30 days. Let’s go with a crazy lofty goal, let’s say you work your butt off, and you go go go you do as much as you can and you only made $1,000 a month and you didn’t hit your goal and that’s a drag but, you’re still at $1,000 a month and before you were at zero. Let’s put that into perspective. let’s say your goal was to only make $1000 and you have only reached a hundred extra dollars. These are the details, and these are things that you need to think about when you’re creating your goals and when you’re structuring them. When you voice your goals to other people what it does is it creates a little bit of subconscious pressure for you to actually achieve those realistic smart goals.

Last point here, don’t be discouraged if you don’t hit your goals the first time be grateful that you’re making progress. Start your goals with something realistic but lofty is a great way to sort of come up with a number if you’re wanting to do a financial related goal to figure out all of your bills, what is that number and that number should be what you create for your very first goal.

Understanding the Process:

Understanding the Process:
I’ve got a little exercise; you want to write your goals down on a really big piece of paper and you want to tape it where you will see it as soon as you wake up every day and you want to say that goal out loud each day when you wake up. A great example of a goal that you would want to write down is let’s say your monthly expenses is $3,000 a month and if you want to make $3,000 a month from your email marketing online business you want to be able to do that within the next 90 days. Mindset verbiage it’s called, and your mind frame is the key to your success and the effects that your mind can play on yourself, your health and your business is just huge! Understanding the process, everything starts in your mind, everyone kind of gets their heads straight in their own way and for me I had to do a lot of research and a lot of reading. I’d read a lot of books went through multiple courses and some of the resources I went through in the past kind of stood out to me.

As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualified purchases. One of the very first books I ever read on entrepreneurial endeavors was Rich Dad Poor Dad . Rich Dad Poor Dad read, really was the book that made the switch in my mind from I need to work a nine-to-five job to – I actually I need to own a business. I like to be the girl that’s calling the shots and making my own money, employing other people not the one being employed.

One of the big things that gets harped on in Rich Dad Poor Dad is having a job is risky and owning a business is not. A job where they can just fire you for any reason anytime no matter what. I used to actually work at a call center for years and that’s what happened to me. A whole week went by and on Friday they walked us into a room informing us the client cancelled the contract with us, so we’re laying everybody off, have fun at the unemployment office. The next two books I like to recommend are Think and Grow Rich and The Secret. Think and Grow Rich I would actually recommend listening to the audio version, it’s kind of a weird read and old-timey based on the way that it’s written. The audio version of Think and Grow Rich makes it a little bit easier to digest. The secret is a book by Rhonda Byrne and it’s a movie as well so if you have Netflix, it is called The Secret: Dare to Dream.

Both Think and Grow Rich and The Secret describe a process called law of attraction. Law of attraction is the art, and I won’t say science but the art of manifesting using your mind to project into the universe. Projecting what it is you want in life and allowing it to come your direction. The secret is a great introduction to Think and Grow Rich but, more like a really old book that describes the process by which law of attraction happens.

The next book I like to recommend as a good read is Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy. Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs is about the entrepreneurial side of attracting wealth and your direction. Lastly, I recommend the book Simpleology written by a really well-known marketer by the name of Mark Joyner. What I really like about Simpleology is that it takes the law of attraction, and it doesn’t ever say manifestation or law of attraction or any of these types of buzz words that they use in the whole self-improvement and self-help industry. What Simpleology does is it actually gives you focused activities and habits that you build every single day in and day out that guides you like an arrow directly to what it is that you want, instead of bouncing around all over all crazy and hoping that you end up where you want. Simpleology helps with your productivity and helps your mind stay focused on what it is that you need to get done on a daily basis. Out of all the trainings, courses and books I have read Simpleology is the most focused on implementation and consistent daily action and that’s going to serve you for the rest of your life. It’s going to serve you extremely well to have action steps that you’re doing every single day and that’s what’s really going to move the dial for you like it has done for me.

Conclusion: The Desire for More

Most successful people that I’m aware of, they have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and lust for learning. Whether they are always going through courses, always going to events, always networking, always masterminding with other people, always meeting new people that can teach them things and always have the desire for more and that’s why it’s extremely important that you keep this thirst for knowledge and lust for learning and it’s not going to be the last thing that you ever learn so your ability to consume new information and implement it quickly is vital to your success online and really in every aspect of your life. Please keep an open mind towards building your knowledge learning and the ability to be coached. I don’t want to say criticism, but you want to embrace and take critique and learn from it. Again, most successful people are folks that are coachable and they’re thirsty for knowledge and the desire for more, they’ve got an insatiable lust for learning. Final point, the internet is an amazing medium for manifesting what you want most out of life. In Conclusion if your head is in the wrong place, if you don’t have your goals lined out, if you don’t have your reason dialed in, then really no amount of work is going to get you to the success that you desire.

Also, I want you to feel like you can reach out to me if you ever have any questions or want to share any ideas you have related to developing a growth mindset for success. Feel free to leave a comment or to say hi, that’s cool to.


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